Saturday, October 18th, we decided to take the girls out to pick out their pumpkins. We got there and I realized I had forgotten my camera. Brady knew I needed it so he was more than willing to drive back home to get it (all the way on the other side of town)! What a good hubby. However we did have a friend on that side of town so we gave him a call and asked to borrow his camera. He was more than willing, thanks DJ! We have such nice friends.
Anyways, so off to the pumpkin patch! It was a very windy moment of the day but we still had fun. I think I make everything more difficult than needed. I had to find the most perfect pumpkins. We searched two different fields and finally Payton said, " I'm tired of walking!" One of her many famous lines. At that time I realized who cares they are just pumpkins. So the girls picked their favorites with a little help. Payton picked two small ones, one for her and the other for Dhylan. Kendahl helped with hers, mommies, daddies, and nanas. What a big helper she is.
We also got to go through a little hay maze that was set up. The girls really enjoyed that.
These are definitely the days I will remember and carry with me. I love spending time with my family. More than anything else, I love to see my kids so happy!
That looks like so much fun! Love the slideshow and all of Kendahl's funny faces! Did Pay Pay also ask where her silky was? :)
Yeah! You finally got the chore done, you updated your blog! It looks so cute! I loved all the posts! What a beautiful family Coley!!
Hi Nicole! I have always wanted to see your blog, but NERD me did not put together that Brandon is BRADY! I have never know him as that! You are such an amazing little(but ever growing :))family! The girls are all stunning! I will check in more often! Hope that's ok!
Oh my gosh I am soooo behind on your blog! We went to this pumpkin patch too! Berlin loved the wagon...we also saw DJ there:) Well I need to see what else you have posted since I have been slacking:)
Hey Coley!! I tagged you! So go to my blog and check it out!!
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